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Where can I find ModernAdvisor Portfolio Fact Sheets?
Where can I find ModernAdvisor Portfolio Fact Sheets?

The portfolio fact sheets summarize the performance of various ModernAdvisor portfolios.

Updated over 8 months ago

ModernAdvisor portfolio fact sheets provide detailed information about our managed investment portfolios. Our fact sheets are designed to help you understand the key characteristics and performance of each portfolio, enabling you to make informed investment decisions.

You can find the latest portfolio fact sheets on our shared Google Drive by following the links below:

If you are looking for more details on the ETFs, mutual funds, or pool funds that are held within the portfolios, you can look up the latest fund fact sheets below:

Core Portfolios

Harmony Portfolios

BCV Actively Managed Portfolios



Fund name


North American Stocks


Global Stocks


Global Stocks


Canadian Bonds

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