What is the cost of BCV Actively Managed portfolios?
BCV Actively Managed portfolios have a management fee surcharge of 0.50% per year compared to ModernAdvisor ETF portfolios. For most clients, the management fee for BCV Actively Managed portfolios is 0.90% per year.
βAre there any additional costs in additional to the management fees for BCV Actively Managed portfolios?
The BCV Actively Managed portfolios on the ModernAdvisor platform are made up of two to four investment funds. These funds incur operating expenses, typically 0.20% to 0.25% per year, that are in addition to the account management fee.
βWhat is the account minimum for BCV portfolios?
$2,500 per account.
Are there any redemption or liquidity restrictions on the BCV portfolios?
The Antares Value and Antares Total Equity funds are priced on weekly basis and can only be bought and sold after markets close on Tuesdays.
βCan I have some accounts in BCV portfolios and some accounts in ETF portfolios?
Yes, you can have one or more accounts in BCV Actively Managed portfolios, and one or more accounts in ModernAdvisor ETF portfolios
Most commonly asked questions about BCV portfolios including pricing and minimums
Updated over 2 years ago